Hand following Bible text with forefinger URCNA Missions Conference 2025

Ordination of Elders and Deacons

Congregation of Jesus Christ:

The Council has made known to you the names of our brothers here present who were chosen to the offices of elder and deacon in this church. They have indicated their belief in our confessions by their agreement with the Form of Subscription. Since there were no lawful objections, we shall proceed to their ordination, in the name of the Lord.


Let us listen to what the Word of God teaches regarding these offices.

The office of elder is based on the kingship of our Lord Jesus Christ, who, when He ascended, left His church in the world and provided it with officers who should rule in His name. The apostle Paul, in Acts, insists upon the ordination of elders in every church, and, in his first letter to Timothy, commands that those who “rule well” should “be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching” (1 Tim. 5:17). In this and other passages, Paul distinguishes between the elders who labor particularly in the ministry of the Word and the sacraments and those who are responsible for the supervision of the church together with the ministers of the Word. Therefore, the church from the beginning has had elders in addition to ministers.

The work of the elders is that of ruling in the name of the ascended King, and, as servants of the great Shepherd, caring for His flock. It is also the duty of the elders to maintain the purity of the Word and sacraments and to uphold the good order of the church, carefully guarding the sanctity of the offices and faithfully exercising discipline. They should, with love and humility, promote the faithful discharge of the office by their fellow officers, having particular regard to the doctrine and conduct of the minister of the Word, that the church may be edified and may show itself to be the pillar and ground of the truth.

To fill such a sacred office honorably, the elders should set an example of godliness in their personal life, in their home life, and in their relations with their fellow men. Walking thus in all godliness, and faithfully discharging their office, “when the chief Shepherd appears,” they “will receive the unfading crown of glory” (1 Peter 5:4).

The office of deacon is based upon the love and concern of Christ for His own. This concern is so great that He considers what is done to one of the least of His brothers as done to Him. In this way, our Lord identifies the needy as His representatives in our expression of sympathy and benevolent service on earth. “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me” (Matt. 25:35–36).

According to Acts 6, the apostles themselves in the beginning ministered to the needy; but afterward, being overburdened with this service to the extent that some were neglected, certain men were chosen, to whom they committed the special responsibility of exercising this ministry, leaving the apostles greater opportunity to continue steadfastly in prayer and in the ministry of the Word. Since that time, the church has recognized this service as a distinct office.

The work of the deacons consists in the faithful and diligent gathering of the offerings which God’s people in gratitude make to their Lord, in the prevention of poverty, in the humble and cheerful distribution of gifts according to the need, and in the relief of the distressed, both with kind deeds and with words of comfort and encouragement from Scripture.

To fill such a sacred office worthily, the deacons, as well as the elders, should set an example of godliness in their personal life, in their home life, and in their relations with their fellow men. Thus conducting themselves as worthy representatives of Christ’s loving care, and faithfully ministering in His name to those who are the beloved of God, they “gain a good standing for themselves and also great confidence in the faith that is in Christ Jesus” (1 Tim. 3:13).


Brothers, in order that the church may hear that you are willing to take your respective offices upon you, please answer the following questions:

Each answers individually: I do.

May the almighty God and Father fill you all with His grace, that you may faithfully and fruitfully discharge your respective offices. Amen.


I charge you, elders, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be diligent in the government of the church, which is committed to you jointly with the minister of the Word. Be faithful watchmen over the house of God, taking heed that purity of doctrine and godliness of life be maintained.

I charge you, deacons, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, to be diligent in receiving the gifts of God’s people, wise and cheerful in the distribution of the same, and sympathetic and self-denying in the ministry of Christian mercy.

I charge you, beloved Christians, to receive these brothers as the servants of God, sustaining them with your daily prayers. Render to the elders all honor, encouragement, and obedience in the Lord. Provide the deacons generously with the necessary gifts for the needy, remembering that, insomuch as you do it to the least of these his children, you do it to him. May God give us to see in the ministry of the elders the supremacy of Christ, and in the ministry of the deacons the care and love of the Savior.

Being thus engaged in your respective callings, each one of you shall receive of the Lord the reward of righteousness.


O Lord God and heavenly Father, we give thanks that You have been pleased, for the better edification of Your church, to ordain in it rulers and assistants besides the ministers of the Word, by whom Your church may be preserved in peace and prosperity, and the needy assisted. We thank You for giving us in this place men who are of good testimony and by Your promise endowed with Your Spirit.

We ask You to provide them more and more with such gifts as are necessary for them in their service: with the gifts of wisdom, courage, discretion, benevolence, sympathy, and self-denial, to the end that each one may acquit himself as is becoming in his respective office. May the elders take great care of doctrine and life, in keeping out the wolves from the sheepfold of your beloved Son and in admonishing and reproving disorderly persons. Likewise, the deacons, in carefully receiving gifts and generously and wisely distributing them to the poor, and in comforting them with Your holy Word. Give grace both to elders and deacons, that they may persevere in their faithful labor and never become weary by reason of any trouble, pain, or persecution of the world.

Grant especially Your divine grace to this people, over whom they are placed, that they may willing submit themselves to the good exhortations of the elders, counting them worthy of honor for their work’s sake. Give to the rich generous hearts toward the needy, and to the needy grateful hearts toward those who help and serve them—to the end that, everyone acquitting himself of his duty, Your holy name may thereby be magnified, and the kingdom of Your Son, Jesus Christ, enlarged, in whose name we conclude our prayers. Amen.