Hand following Bible text with forefinger URCNA Missions Conference 2025

Classis Michigan

Report on the meeting of Classis Michigan of the URCNA 
Convening at Eastmanville United Reformed Church of Coopersville  —  October 8, 2024 

An encouraging conversation with an experienced minister from another federation culminated in Classis Michigan opening the door and inviting their colleague to consider joining them.

Classis Michigan of the United Reformed Churches in North America met at Eastmanville URC on Tuesday, October 8, for its regular fall meeting. High on its agenda was a colloquium doctum, or “doctrinal conversation” – a “conversational” examination for ministers ordained in other church federations who desire to be able to receive a call from a United Reformed congregation.  

In this case, Rev. Rodney Kleyn – who served for 20 years as a Protestant Reformed minister – was invited to participate in a colloquium doctum by the Consistory of Covenant URC in Byron Center, Michigan.  

Born in Tasmania, Australia, Rev. Kleyn was raised in the Evangelical Presbyterian Church of Australia. As a young man, he worked as a diesel mechanic before entering the ministry in the Protestant Reformed Churches in America. He and his wife, Liz, have been married for 29 years and are the parents of five children.  

He resigned from his labors as a Protestant Reformed minister in 2022. Since then, Rev. Kleyn has been using his skills as a mechanic, while also providing pulpit supply for several West Michigan churches, including Covenant URC in Byron Center.  

During the first half of their day together, the delegates to Classis Michigan questioned Rev. Kleyn regarding his understanding of Reformed doctrine, the Reformed confessions, URC church government, ethics, and the practical aspects of the ministry. Having heard extensively from the brother, the delegates voted unanimously to declare him eligible to receive a call from the saints at Byron Center.  

Much of the remainder of the meeting was spent hearing reports from those serving on behalf of Classis Michigan – including its stated clerk, treasurer, church visitors, and committees – and offering advice regarding difficult pastoral situations faced by the consistories of the United Reformed churches in Michigan.  

Classis also appointed some of the elders and ministers in its midst to serve the churches in specialized ways. Rev. Talman Wagenmaker of Dutton URC was appointed to serve as Stated Clerk of Classis Michigan. He replaces Rev. Doug Barnes, who served for the previous three years and who has been appointed to serve as Alternate Stated Clerk.  

Elder Josh Nijenhuis from Covenant URC in Byron Center was appointed to serve on the Synodical Home Mission Committee, replacing long-time SHMC delegate Mr. Paul Wagenmaker of Dutton URC. Having been relieved of his duties on the synodical committee (at his request), Mr. Wagenmaker was appointed to serve on the Classis Michigan Mission and Church Plant Committee. Rev. Matthew Nuiver of Faith URC was re-appointed to that committee for a second term. Looking farther abroad, Rev. Casey Freswick was re-appointed to a third term on the Synodical Foreign Mission Committee.  

In addition to his duties as Stated Clerk, Rev. Talman Wagenmaker was re-appointed to a third term on the URC’s Website Oversight Committee. Mr. Steve Tjapkes of Grace URC was re-appointed to a third term on the URC Standing Committee on Appeals.  

Classis Michigan is grateful for the willingness shown by all of these men to serve Christ and His church.  

The next meeting Classis Michigan is slated for Tuesday, March 11, at Dutton URC.  


For further information, contact Rev. Talman Wagenmaker, Stated Clerk of Classis Michigan,
by e-mail at [email protected]


Please note that this report is an unofficial summary.
For the official and complete summary of business transacted at classis, see the official minutes of classis.